
Deployment is an important part of the website development process. Deploying is the process of publishing your application on the Internet so people can finally go and see your app. :)

As you learned, a website has to be located on a server. There are a lot of server providers available on the internet, we're going to use Glitch. Glitch is perfect for small applications to learn Python and show your blog to your family and friends!

Thanks to Glitch, deployment is straightforward. At the bottom of the Glitch development environment, look for the Preview button, then select Open preview pane or Preview in a new window. It will launch your first Django application.

You are now live!

Your site should now be live on the public Internet ! YouM can share the link to your website with anyone you want :)

Check out your site!

The default page for your site should say "It worked!". Try adding /admin/ to the end of the URL, and you'll be taken to the admin site. Log in with the username and password, and you'll see you can add new Posts on the server.

Give yourself a HUGE pat on the back! Server deployments are one of the trickiest parts of web development and it often takes people several days before they get them working. But you've got your site live, on the real Internet!

This is a beginners' tutorial, and in deploying this site we've taken a few shortcuts which aren't ideal from a security point of view. If and when you decide to build on this project, or start a new project, you should review the Django deployment checklist for some tips on securing your site.

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